“People normally cut reality into compartments, and so we are unable to see the interdependence
of phenomena. to see one in all and all in one is to break through the great barrier which narrows
one’s perception of reality, a barrier which Buddhism calls the attachment of the false view of self.

We have to strip away all the barriers in order to live as part of the universal life. A person isn’t
some private entity traveling through time and space as if sealed off from the rest of the world by a thick shell.
Perhaps one can say that we are only alive when we live the life of the world and so live
the sufferings and joys of others.
Meditaion on inerdependence is to be practiced constantly, not only while sitting, but as an integral
part of our involvement in all ordinary tasks. We must learn that the person infront of us is ourself,
and that we are that person.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh

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