
Twisting poses help to deepen the lateral rotation of the spine. To twist the spine effectively, stabilize the pelvis and extend the spine. Initiate twists from the inner body. Extend spine up on inhalation, and twist on the exhalation. Different twists target different parts of the torso. As the trunk twists, abdominal organs and kidneys are stimulated.

Twisting increases the flow of blood to the digestive organs, improving their ability to function better. Digestive track is rejuvenated. Twists help to cleanse built up waste and removes sluggishness, improve spinal mobility, stretch and strengthen back muscles. Hips open and move more easily.

BHARADVAJASANA II: is a mild twist to the spine and a great way to open shoulders. This pose is a great preparation for Half lotus (Ardha Padmasana)

MARICHYASANA III: is a wonderful twist, but the final position with the arms entwined behind the back may take some time. As you you turn to the right, bring your left arm on the outside of your right bend knee, later as you gain flexibility, bring your left arm over the bent leg but keep your elbow bent. Eventually, you can clasp the hands behind the back.

ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA I: This twist is a combination of twisting with balancing. Bend left knee, foot is facing forward. Inner heal is under the buttock, foot is horizontal, edge of the foot is on the floor, left knee facing forward. Place right leg over the left. Keep the right thigh, knee and foot in line; press fingertips into the floor and lift the spine, turn right, press the back bend elbow into the knee, continue lifting spine up, turn from the abdomen.

ARDHA MATSYASANA II: Right leg is extended, left knee is bent. Place left foot at the crees of the right groin. Extend spine up, turn to the right, place left hand on the outside of the right calf. Right hand is behind on the floor supporting the spinal elongation and the action of the twist.